
Follow these steps to manage your customers.

  1. Go to Customers by cliking on the tab Customers on the navigation

1.1. Customers data table

Shopify status will be synchronized with Customers in Shopify.

  • Members are who had accounts on store

  • Guests are who did not have accounts on store

Successful referrals are counted when referees used the referral discount code and purchased successfully.

1.2. Invite customers

Only customers having Program status as Guest can be invited to join Referral program. Referral invitation email will be sent when you click Send invitation.

1.3. Export customers

  1. Click on one customer to view details

2.1. Click View in Shopify to view customer in Shopify admin

2.2. Customer information card include basic information of that customer. Program status includes:

  • Member: when customer joined Referral program and had Referral link

  • Guest: when customer did not join Referral program and have Referral link

2.3. Referrals card include:

  • Referral link: referees can receive rewards when enter referral link

  • Total referees: the number of referees that the referrers have referred

  • Successful referrals: the number of referrals marked as Completed

  • Referral revenue: total amount of orders bought with discount code from referees

2.4. Activity:

  • Referrals

    • Status:

      • Pending - referee has not ordered successfully with discount code

      • Blocked - referee is not valid and cannot be referred

      • Completed - referee has ordered successfully with discount code

    • Order total: the amount of that succesful order

  • Rewards

    • Used - customer has ordered successfully with that discount code

    • Unused - customer has not ordered successfully with that discount code

If you have a problem when setting up this feature, please feel free to reach us at or Live Chat if you need any assistance.

Last updated