Customize sharing link

Customizing your email sender domain requires collaboration between us and you. Please reach out via in-app Live chat or email at for assistance.

How it works

By default, your sharing link will follow this format:[share_id]. For example:

If you want to customize the domain to your own domain, please follow these steps:

1 - Set up your domain or sub-domain

  • If you don't have a domain or sub-domain, create one.

  • If you already have one, proceed to the next step.

2 - Point your domain to our Service

  • Add an A record to your DNS settings to point your domain to the IP address of our sharing service.

  • If you are using a domain, set the record name to @.

  • If you are using a sub-domain, set the record name to your sub-domain path (e.g., "refer"). Your sharing link will then look like:

For the IP address of our sharing service, please contact us directly. We will provide it to you privately.

Here are guidelines for configuring DNS with some popular DNS providers:


Adding DNS Record 2

  • Name: [your subdomain, for example: www.refer]

  • Points to: [the provided IP address]

Click Save and Send us your Custom Sharing URL.


Please go to this video for more details to learn how to point your subdomain to our IP Address:

  • Go to the Domain Dashboard page > Click "DNS" icon

  • Create two records and fill these information:

  • Record #1:

    • Type: A

    • Name: [your subdomain or @]

    • Ipv4 address: [the provided IP address]

    • Proxy Status: Proxied

  • Record #2 (if you use sub-domain):

    • Type: A

    • Name: [your subdomain with www.]

    • Ipv4 address: [the provided IP address]

    • Proxy Status: Proxied

Click Save and Send us your Custom Sharing URL.


Please go to this page for more details to learn how to point your subdomain to our IP Address:

  • Go to your GoDaddy

  • Domain Control Center

  • Select Manage DNS under Additional Settings.

  • Select Add to add a new record.

  • Select A from the Type menu options.

  • If you want to set as the referral link, Please create two records & fill these information:

    • Record #1:

      • Name: [your subdomain or @]

      • Value: [the provided IP address]

      • TTL: How long the server should cache information. The default setting is 1 hour.

    • Record #2 (if you use sub-domain):

      • Name: [your subdomain with www.]

      • Value: [the provided IP address]

      • TTL: How long the server should cache information. The default setting is 1 hour.

Click Save and Send us your Custom Sharing URL .

Last updated