Post-purchase widget

The Referral Post-purchase widget will appear on the Thank you page right after your customer completes a purchase. This seamless integration encourages customers to join your referral program without interrupting their shopping experience.

Here's how it looks like on the Thank you page:

To enable Post-purchase widget, please follow these steps:

Step 1 - Add BLOOP app block to Thank you page

1.1. Open Theme Customization

Navigate to Shopify Admin > Sales channels > Theme > Customize to access the customization section.

1.2. Open Thank you page in Theme Customization

From the page selection dropdown, choose Checkout and new customer accounts.

Then, select Thank you page.

1.3. Add BLOOP Referrals app block to Thank you page

From the left-hand navigation, scroll down and click Add app block at the bottom.

Choose the app block from BLOOP, it's named Referral block

From the left-hand navigation, scroll down and click Add app block at the bottom. Then, click Save to complete the process.

The post-purchase widget will now appear on the Thank You page after a customer makes a purchase.

Step 2 - (Optional) Customize post-purchase widget content

To customize the widget content, go to BLOOP Referrals > Branding > Post-purchase widget.

From there, you can personalize the text as needed.


For any further questions, feel free to reach out via our in-app live chat or email us at for assistance.

Last updated