Add price to options (Price add-on)

You can also add price to the options by using the Price Add-on feature.

Please follow these steps to quickly setup the options:

Step 1: Create an Option set

Step 2: In the Price Add-on section, set up the fee that customers have to charge if they select options.

Textbox / Number / Text Area / Email / Color picker / File Upload:

Checkbox / Dropdown menu / Dropdown menu with thumbnail / Radio button / Swatch / Button:

Step 3: Change the display of Product Price with Price Add-ons (Optional)

If you want to add your option price directly to product price on product page, you can follow this guide:

Go to Install & Config tab > Enable Price increased with price add-ons.

Step 4: Check on the storefront.

When customers enter their name and choose the Button option as YES, a fee will be added to product:

On Product page:

If you do not Change Display of Product Price with Price Add-ons, here is an example of how it looks in your storefront:

The initial price of Whitney Pullover is 120 VND.

If you Change Display of Product Price with Price Add-ons, here is an example of how it looks in your storefront:

The initial price of Whitney Pullover is 120 VND. The additional price is 25 VND, so the total price is 145 VND.

On Cart page: The product price is changed when customers enter name

On Checkout page: The product price is changed when customers enter name and choose Button option as YES.

On Checkout page: The selected option fee is display as a custom product (below the original product).

Noted: You can change the text "Selection extra fee for" by going to Settings > Translation Texts > Checkout page

If the added price isn't displayed correctly on Cart page & Checkout page, feel free to reach us at or Live Chat if you need any assistance.

Last updated