1️⃣Select option types

Overview of all option types

  • Text box/Text area: Allows buyers to enter any text they want (Note: Emojis are not allowed to type)

  • Number field: Allows customers to enter numbers only

  • Email: Allows customers to enter emails

  • Checkbox/Button: Allows customers to choose multiple options (Store owners can setup the option values)

  • Dropdown menu/Radio button: Allow customers to choose a single option (Store owners can setup the option values)

  • Swatch: Allow customers to choose color or image swatches. Store owners can choose either HEX/RGB/HSL color codes.

  • File upload: Allows customers to upload files for customization

  • Date & Time: Allows customers to pick dates and times

  • Instruction: Displays instructional texts on the storefront

  • Color picker: Allows customers to precisely choose colors with HEX/RGB/HSL color codes

Last updated