Date & Time

This is a quick overview of Date & Time option.

Step 1: Please create an option set (follow this guide for more details)

Step 2: Choose option type: Date & Time and set the General Information

  • Date & Time picker: allows your customers to choose a date and time for that date.

  • Date range: allows your customers to choose a date range (with specific time), which does not include any disable or inactive dates/time.

Step 3: Set the Active Dates (Optional)

Under the Active Dates section, you can set the active dates as you want. This feature allows you to set up date & time that customers can select.

In the image above, store owner restricted customers from selecting Tuesday & Wednesday. On Friday & Saturday, customers can only select the time between 09:00 AM and 02:00 PM.

On the Online Store, customers can select valid date & time only.

Step 4: Choose the Display Date/Time type. You can choose between 3 types:

  • Date & Time

  • Only Date

  • Only Time: only available when you choose Date & Time picker

You can also choose the time format for each Date/Time Type.

Here is some examples of how the Date & Time Picker looks in your store:

● Date & Time

● Only date

● Only time

Step 5: Choose Disabled Dates (Optional)

  • Cut-off date/time: You can choose between 5 types: Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, or Months. In the image below, the customers only can select the date from 2 days after the current date.

If you set up the conditions as above: cut-off time = 2 days (current date: 25th July 2023), customers only can select the date starting from July 27th at the Online Store.

  • Specific dates: You can disable multiple specific dates as you want.

For example, you want to disable August 14th, August 15th, and August 16th:

At the storefront, these 3 days are disabled, and your customers cannot select them.

  • Range date: You can select multiple ranges as you want.

For example, you want to disable August 1st to August 5th and August 29th to August 31st:

At the storefront, these 2 ranges are disabled, and your customers cannot select them.

  • Disable past dates: You can disable past dates/time to disallow your customers to choose these dates/time. Customers cannot select dates before the order date.

At the storefront, past dates are disabled, and your customers cannot select them.

Step 5: Make sure everything is correct and Save.

Here are some examples that you can see at your storefront:

  • Date & Time picker:

  • Date range:

If you have a problem when setting up this feature, please feel free to reach us at or Live Chat if you need any assistance.

Last updated