How to create a fixed-position banner?

To create fixed-position yet highly impactful banners on your storefront using our BSS: Product Labels & Badges app, follow the steps below:

Step 1: From the Banners section, create a new banner

Step 2: Fill in the required information in the General, Configuration and Conditions tabs

You can refer to our guide to create a banner here

Step 3: From the Configuration tab, navigate to the Position option

By default, the Fixed banner while scrolling feature is disabled. To enable this feature, change the option to Yes

Step 4: Click Save to save your changes

When the Fixed banner while scrolling feature is enabled, the banner always stays in the same spot, always visible no matter how far down users go

On the contrary, if this feature is disabled, the banner only appears at the top of the page and is invisible when users scroll down

If you have a problem when setting up this feature, please feel free to reach us at or Live Chat if you need any assistance.

Last updated