How to Customize the Position of Your Sales Pop-up

In this setup guide, we will walk you through the steps to adjust the position of your sales pop-up using the BSS: Product Labels & Badges app. By following these instructions, you can easily customize the placement of the pop-up on both desktop and mobile devices to suit your store's design and user experience.

Step 1: Access the Configuration Tab

  1. Go to the BSS: Product Labels & Badges app.

  2. Select the sales pop-up as you want

  3. Click on the "Configuration" tab to access the configuration settings.

Step 2: Adjust Pop-up Position on Desktop Devices

  1. Scroll down to locate the "Pop-up position" section.

  2. In the "Position on Desktop" dropdown, select either "Bottom Left" or "Bottom Right" as the desired position for your sales pop-up.

  3. Choose the animation effect that best suits your preference from the available options: "Slide from the bottom," "Slide from the left," or "Fade in/out."

  4. Optionally, you can set up the "Margin Top/Bottom" and "Margin Left/Right" values to fine-tune the positioning of the pop-up.

Step 3: Configure Pop-up Position on Mobile Devices

  1. In the "Display on Mobile" section, toggle the switch to enable or disable the pop-up on mobile devices.

  2. If enabled, select either "Top" or "Bottom" as the desired position for the sales pop-up on mobile devices.

  3. Choose the animation effect that best fits your requirements: "Slide from top" or "Slide from bottom" for a dynamic effect, or "Fade in/out" for a smooth transition.

  4. Optionally, adjust the "Margin Top/Bottom" value to control the spacing between the pop-up and the screen edges.

Step 4: Save your changes.

Step 5: Preview

  1. Visit your online store on both desktop and mobile devices to see how the sales pop-up appears in the configured positions.

  1. If necessary, go back to the configuration settings and make further adjustments to achieve the desired positioning and visual impact.

By following these straightforward steps, you can easily customize the position of your sales pop-up on both desktop and mobile devices. Experiment with different positions, animations, and margins to find the perfect balance between visibility and user experience. Regularly review and refine these settings to align with your store's aesthetics and customer preferences.

Last updated