How do customers view quotes in the Portal?

When you - as the customer want to manage the quotes you have requested, you can go to My Quotes in the navigation bar.

To view the quotes that you have placed, follow these steps:

Step 1 - Log in

Log in to your account and ensure that you have been granted access to view My Quotes.

Step 2 - Access My Quotes

Click on the My Quotes section in the navigation bar.

A screen will display a list of quotes that you have requested, including the ID, creation time, and the quantity of items for each order.

Step 3 - View the details of a quote

To view the details of a quote, click on the eye icon on the list.

You will be redirected to a page where you can see all the relevant information regarding your order.

These are the steps that you should follow to manage your quotes.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at

Last updated