Move maps
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Move Heatmap helps you understand where a person moved or hovered their cursor on their screen. These types of heatmap are sometimes called hover maps or attention maps.
This heatmap is useful for pages with a lot of content.
The top panel helps you filter the Click maps data and actions for them.
URL: This autofill URL based on the page you choose from the Heatmap list page
You can choose what device to see heatmap, including PC, Tablet, and Mobile. The number on the right side of it is the number of pageviews of that URL on that device.
Heatmap type: including 4 types
View recordings:
View recordings help you watch all sessions that included this URL.
Where user moves are represented on the Heatmap.
At the bottom of Heatmap panel, there are: (sửa ảnh nhé)
Moves: the total number of movess on a page for the applied device.
Color scale: Colors get warmer as the popularity of a section increases. The warmer the colors, the denser the moves.
The sidebar panel contains elements ranked by the number of moves. Move map displays these ranks elements with the most number of moves on the page.
As you scroll to the bottom, you see elements ranked further down the page. Select any moved element to view the number of moves (% of moves). Once you select an element on the Sidebar panel, it will automatically navigate you to that element on the Heatmap panel.
View recordings help you watch recordings where the element was clicked.
This copies the CSS selector of an element that allows you to identify the exact element in the UI. You can use it to change the style of an element.
If you have problem when using this feature, feel free to reach us at or Live Chat if you need any assistance.