
The Settings page allows you to adjust replay settings for an optimal viewing experience, exclude recording sessions from specific visitors, and collect additional information from visitors.

  1. Replay settings

  • Speed: adjusts the playback speed of sessions

  • Autoplay: determines whether you want to automatically start playing the next session(s)

  1. Exclude visitors

  • Exclude by IPs: excludes visitors from specific IP addresses (only IPv4 or CIDR range formats are supported)

  • Exclude by countries: excludes visitors from specific countries

  1. Session settings

  • Collect customers' email when recording sessions: Enabling this option allows our app to automatically gather customer emails based on their login status and information from Shopify Admin’s Customers.

  • Cookies Bar GDPR: When activated, a cookie bar for GDPR compliance will appear whenever a visitor accesses the storefront.

Please feel free to reach us at or Live Chat if you need any assistance.

Last updated