Public APIs for Custom Pricing (CP)

B2B/Wholesale Custom Pricing Public API for Shopify Stores

Custom pricing public API is an feature of B2B/Wholesale Solution shopify app. To use APIs, you must install app, upgrade to Platinum plan and get the access key.

These APIs are REST APIs. You can use them to manage customer pricing rules, calculate variants' price based on rules, search customers, get products, etc. Detailed instructions on how to do it is showing bellow:

How to get the access key

After you install B2B/Wholesale Solution Shopify app. Go to Public API page, click on the Copy button.

Rule endpoints

There are fields of rule, you need to understand: - priority: decides whether a rule is prioritized over another or not. - status:

0: inactive
1: active

- apply_to:

0: All customers
1: Logged-in customers
2: Not-logged-in customers
3: Specific customers
4: Customer tags

- exclude_customer:

0: None
1: Customer tags
2: Specific customers

- product_condition_type:

0: All products
1: Specific products
2: Product collections
3: Product tags
4: Specific variants

- discount_type:

0: Apply a price to selected products
1: Decrease a fixed amount of the original prices of selected products
2: Decrease the original prices of selected products by a percentage (%)

- market_condition_type:

0: All markets
1: Specific markets

Get Rules by Domain

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

domain: your default Shopify store domain.
accessKey: value of access key.
  "domain": "", 
  "accessKey": "xxx" 

Response body:

    "success": true,
    "rules": [
            "id": 536662,
            "shop_id": 9204,
            "name": "Discount 20%l",
            "priority": 1,
            "status": 1,
            "apply_to": 0,
            "customer_ids": [],
            "customer_tags": [],
            "product_condition_type": 4,
            "product_ids": [],
            "variant_ids": [
            "product_collections": [],
            "product_tags": [],
            "discount_type": 2,
            "discount_value": "10.00",
            "published_at": null,
            "unpublished_at": null,
            "date_rule_type": 0,
            "start_date": null,
            "end_date": null,
            "exc_customer_tags": "",
            "exclude_from": 0,
            "exc_customers": "",
            "market_condition_type": 1,
            "market_ids": [
            "file_theme_index": 0,
            "createdAt": "2023-03-09T03:38:50.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-06-15T02:16:47.000Z"
            "id": 545507,
            "shop_id": 9204,
            "name": "test4",
            "priority": 0,
            "status": 0,
            "apply_to": 3,
            "customer_ids": [
            "customer_tags": [],
            "product_condition_type": 0,
            "product_ids": [
            "product_collections": [],
            "product_tags": [],
            "discount_type": 0,
            "discount_value": "50.00",
            "published_at": null,
            "unpublished_at": null,
            "date_rule_type": 0,
            "start_date": null,
            "end_date": null,
            "exc_customer_tags": "",
            "exclude_from": 0,
            "exc_customers": "",
            "market_condition_type": 0,
            "market_ids": [],
            "file_theme_index": 0,
            "createdAt": "2023-03-15T07:33:24.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-06-05T01:59:50.000Z"

Get Rule by ID

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "", 
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "id": 79

Response body:

    "success": true,
    "rule": {
        "id": 79,
        "name": "Discount 20%l",
        "priority": 1,
        "status": 1,
        "apply_to": 0,
        "customer_ids": [],
        "customer_tags": [],
        "exclude_from": 0,
        "exc_customers": [],
        "exc_customer_tags": [],
        "product_condition_type": 4,
        "product_ids": [],
        "variant_ids": [
        "product_collections": [],
        "product_tags": [],
        "market_condition_type": 1,
        "market_ids": [
        "discount_type": 2,
        "discount_value": "10.00",
        "start_date": null,
        "end_date": null

Create or Update Single Rule

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

If there is no ID in request data, a new rule will be created. Otherwise, existing rule with ID will be updated.

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
   "rule": {
        "name": "Test rule",
        "priority": 1,
        "status": 0,
        "apply_to": 1,
        "customer_ids": [],
        "customer_tags": [],
        "product_ids": [
        "variant_ids": [],
        "product_collections": [],
        "product_tags": [],
        "discount_type": 2,
        "discount_value": "40",
        "exc_customers": ["5462063382693"],
        "exc_customer_tags": [],
        "market_condition_type": 0,
        "market_ids": []

Response body

    "success": true,
    "message": "Create the rule successfully",
    "ruleId": 11

Create or Update Multiple Rules

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "rules": [
        "name": "sencond1",
        "priority": 0,
        "status": 1,
        "apply_to": 0,
        "product_condition_type": 0,
        "customer_ids": [],
        "customer_tags": [],
        "product_ids": [],
        "variant_ids": [],
        "product_collections": [],
        "product_tags": [],
        "exc_customer_tags": "",
        "exclude_from": 0,
        "exc_customers": "",
        "discount_type": 2,
        "discount_value": 10.00,
        "date_rule_type": 0,
        "start_date": null,
        "end_date": null,
        "market_condition_type": 0,
        "market_ids": null
            "id": 545507,
            "name": "test4",
            "priority": 0,
            "status": 0,
            "apply_to": 3,
            "customer_ids": [
            "customer_tags": [],
            "product_condition_type": 0,
            "product_ids": [
            "variant_ids": [],
            "product_collections": [],
            "product_tags": [],
            "discount_type": 0,
            "discount_value": "50.00",
            "date_rule_type": 0,
            "start_date": null,
            "end_date": null,
            "exc_customer_tags": "",
            "exclude_from": 0,
            "exc_customers": "",
            "market_condition_type": 0,
            "market_ids": []

Response Body:

    "success": true,
    "message": [
        "Create new rule 'sencond1' with ID 214780831 successfully",
        "Update rule 'test4' with ID 545507 successfully"

Delete Rule

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "id": 79

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "Deleted rule ID 79 successfully"

Delete Mulitple Rule

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "ids": [79,80,81]

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "Deleted multiple rule successfully"

Get Applied Rules for Products

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

If customer_id is null, the system will check Custom Pricing Rules which applied for all customers or not-logged-in customers.

  "domain": "",
  "product_ids": [ 6586590625965, 6586590658733, 6586590691501 ],
  "customer_id": 5127974846637,
  "accessKey": "xxxx"

Response body:

         "name":"Discount 30%"
         "name":"Discount 30%"
         "name":"Discount 30%"

Get Price List of Variants based on Applied Rules

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

If customer_id is null, the system will check Custom Pricing Rules which applied for all customers or not-logged-in customers.

  "domain": "",
  "product_ids": [ 6586590625965, 6586590658733, 6586590691501 ],
  "customer_id": 5127974846637,
  "accessKey": "xxx"

Response body:

         "name":"Discount 30%",
         "name":"Discount 30%",
         "name":"Discount 30%",

Product endpoints

Search products

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

Index is a cursor value, where you want to start searching. If afterIndex is null, the system will search products from the beginning. For example:

afterIndex: "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo2NjU1NDU2Mzc5MDUzLCJsYXN0X3ZhbHVlIjo2NjU1NDU2Mzc5MDUzfQ=="
  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "afterIndex": null,
  "first": 20,
  "searchQuery": "ocean"

Response body:

               "title":"Ocean Blue Shirt",
               "title":"Riri Bracelet",
               "productType":"women's bracelets",

Get Product Tags

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx"

Response body:

         "cotton blouse",
         "crepe wool",
         "crew neck",

Get Products by Tags

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "afterIndex": null,
  "first": 20,
  "tags": ["tag1","tags2","tags3"],
  "operation": "AND" 

"Operation" is "AND" or "OR". If you use "AND", returned products must contain all tags. If you use "OR", returned products just need to belong one tag in array (["tag1","tags2","tags3"]).

Response body:

         "title":"Anchor Bracelet Mens",

Get Products by IDs

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "ids": [ 6586590625965 ]

Response body:

         "title":"Anchor Bracelet Mens",

Customer endpoints

Get Customer Tags

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx"

Response body


Get Customers by IDs

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "ids": [5127974846637]

Response body


Search Customers

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "afterIndex": null,
  "first": 20,
  "searchQuery": "nta"

Response body


Get Customers by Tags

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "afterIndex": null,
  "first": 20,
  "tags": ["tag1","tags2","tags3"],
  "operation": "AND" 

"Operation" is "AND" or "OR". If you use "AND", returned products must contain all tags. If you use "OR", returned products just need to belong one tag in array (["tag1","tags2","tags3"]).

Response body


Collection endpoints

Get Collections

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx"

Response body

         "title":"Home page",


  • We handle one request at a time. Once your request is completed, we will proceed with the next one.

  • In case of a server error, it may take up to 3 minutes to recover and process a new request.

Last updated