Public APIs for Quantity Breaks (QB)

How to get the access key

After you install B2B/Wholesale Solution Shopify app. Go to Public API page, click on the Copy button.

Rule endpoints

There are fields of rule, you need to understand: - priority: decides whether a rule is prioritized over another or not. - status:

0: inactive
1: active

- apply_to:

0: All customers
1: Logged-in customers
2: Not-logged-in customers
3: Specific customers
4: Customer tags

- exclude_customer:

0: None
1: Customer tags
2: Specific customers

- product_condition_type:

0: All products
1: Specific products
2: Product collections
3: Product tags

- rule_setting:

0: Quantity break
1: Amount break

- qb_table_type:

0: Full range & Discounts
1: Full range & Discounted prices
2: From & Discounts
3: From & Discounted prices 1
4: From & Discounted prices 2
5: From & Discounts with Discounted prices 1
6: From & Discounts with Discounted prices 2
7: Legacy 1
8: Legacy 2


When request get rules by domain or ID, the rule_setting field will appear at the response to inform you whether your rule is Quantity Break or Amount Break.

However, when send request Create/Update rule the rule_setting will be Quantity Break by default as we haven't support create/update Amount Break as of date.

- qty_table: Quantity settings of rule + rule_type:

0: Minimum Product Qty
1: Minimum Order Qty
2: Minimum Variant Qty
- Minimum Product Qty: 
If one order contains the selected products and the number of each product meets the quantity break ranges, the price of the product will be discounted accordingly.
For example:
You choose products A and B to apply the quantity break rule. A has two variants: A1, A2. B also has two variants B1, B2.
The order quantity break ranges are from 0 to 5 (discounted 10%) and from 6 to 10 (discount 15%)
That time, if the customer buys 3 A1, 6 A2 and 4 B1. The total quantity of A is 9 so the price of A will be discounted by 15%. The price of B, however, will be discounted by 10%.
If the quantity of the order/product(s)/variant(s) is not within the ranges, the original prices are applied.
- Minimum Order Qty:
If one order contains the selected products and the total number of those products meets the quantity break ranges, they will be discounted accordingly.
For example:
You choose products A and B to apply the quantity break rule. A has two variants: A1, A2. B also has two variants B1, B2.
The order quantity break ranges are from 0 to 5 (discounted 10%) and from 6 to 10 (discount 15%) and from 11 to 20 (discount 20%)
That time, if the customer buys 3 A1, 6 A2 and 4 B1. The total quantity of A and B is 13, meaning that the prices of A and B will be discounted by 20%.
If the quantity of the order/product(s)/variant(s) is not within the ranges, the original prices are applied.
- Minimum Variant Qty : 
If one order contains the selected products and the number of variants meets the quantity break ranges, the price of those variants will be discounted accordingly.
For example:
You choose products A and B to apply the quantity break rule. A has two variants: A1, A2. B also has two variants B1, B2.
The order quantity break ranges are from 0 to 5 (discounted 10%) and from 6 to 10 (discount 15%) and from 11 to 20 (discount 20%)
That time, if the customer buys 3 A1, 6 A2 and 4 B1. Then, the prices of A1 and B1 will be discounted by 10% and that of A2 will be discounted by 15%.
If the quantity of the order/product(s)/variant(s) is not within the ranges, the original prices are applied.

+ qty_from: The order quantity break ranges are from qty_from to qty_to + qty_to: The order quantity break ranges are from qty_from to qty_to + discount_type:

0: Apply a price to selected products
1: Decrease a fixed amount of the original prices of selected products
2: Decrease the original prices of selected products by a percentage (%)

Get Rules by Domain

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

domain: your default Shopify store domain.
accessKey: value of access key.
  "domain": "", 
  "accessKey": "xxx" 

Response body:

    "success": true,
    "rules": [
            "id": 9792,
            "shop_id": 9204,
            "name": "sencond1",
            "priority": 0,
            "rule_type": 2,
            "rule_setting": 0,
            "status": 1,
            "apply_to": 0,
            "customer_ids": [],
            "customer_tags": [],
            "product_condition_type": 0,
            "product_ids": [],
            "product_collections": [],
            "product_tags": [],
            "published_at": null,
            "unpublished_at": null,
            "exc_customer_tags": "",
            "exclude_from": 0,
            "exc_customers": "",
            "qb_table_type": 3,
            "createdAt": "2023-03-09T02:27:26.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-05-30T04:29:18.000Z",
            "qbRuleQtyTables": [
                    "id": 33022,
                    "rule_id": 9792,
                    "qty_from": 1,
                    "qty_to": 4,
                    "discount_type": 0,
                    "discount_value": 10,
                    "createdAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z",
                    "updatedAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z"
                    "id": 33023,
                    "rule_id": 9792,
                    "qty_from": 6,
                    "qty_to": 8,
                    "discount_type": 1,
                    "discount_value": 10,
                    "createdAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z",
                    "updatedAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z"
            "abRuleQtyTables": []
            "id": 9909,
            "shop_id": 9204,
            "name": "sencond2",
            "priority": 0,
            "rule_type": 2,
            "rule_setting": 0,
            "status": 1,
            "apply_to": 0,
            "customer_ids": [],
            "customer_tags": [],
            "product_condition_type": 0,
            "product_ids": [],
            "product_collections": [],
            "product_tags": [],
            "published_at": null,
            "unpublished_at": null,
            "exc_customer_tags": null,
            "exclude_from": 0,
            "exc_customers": null,
            "qb_table_type": 0,
            "createdAt": "2023-03-13T09:39:48.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z",
            "qbRuleQtyTables": [
                    "id": 33024,
                    "rule_id": 9909,
                    "qty_from": 1,
                    "qty_to": 4,
                    "discount_type": 0,
                    "discount_value": 10,
                    "createdAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z",
                    "updatedAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z"
                    "id": 33025,
                    "rule_id": 9909,
                    "qty_from": 6,
                    "qty_to": 8,
                    "discount_type": 1,
                    "discount_value": 11,
                    "createdAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z",
                    "updatedAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z"
            "abRuleQtyTables": []

Get Rule by ID

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "", 
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "id": 46

Response body:

    "success": true,
    "rule": {
        "id": 46,
        "name": "sencond1",
        "priority": 0,
        "status": 1,
        "apply_to": 0,
        "customer_ids": [],
        "customer_tags": [],
        "exclude_from": 0,
        "exc_customers": [],
        "exc_customer_tags": [],
        "product_condition_type": 0,
        "product_ids": [],
        "product_collections": [],
        "product_tags": [],
        "rule_setting": 0,
        "rule_type": 2,
        "qty_table": [
                "id": 33022,
                "rule_id": 9792,
                "qty_from": 1,
                "qty_to": 4,
                "discount_type": 0,
                "discount_value": 10,
                "createdAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z",
                "updatedAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z"
                "id": 33023,
                "rule_id": 9792,
                "qty_from": 6,
                "qty_to": 8,
                "discount_type": 1,
                "discount_value": 10,
                "createdAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z",
                "updatedAt": "2023-05-26T04:26:21.000Z"
        "amount_table": [],
        "qb_table_type": 3,
        "createdAt": "2023-03-09T02:27:26.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-05-30T04:29:18.000Z"

Create or Update Single Rule

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

If there is no ID in request data, a new rule will be created. Otherwise, existing rule with ID will be updated.

  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "rule": {
        "id": 11,
        "name": "sencond1",
        "priority": 0,
        "status": 1,
        "apply_to": 0,
        "customer_ids": [],
        "customer_tags": [],
        "exclude_from": 0,
        "exc_customers": [],
        "exc_customer_tags": [],
        "product_condition_type": 0,
        "product_ids": [],
        "product_collections": [],
        "product_tags": [],
        "rule_setting": 0,
        "rule_type": 2,
        "qty_table": [
                "qty_from": 1,
                "qty_to": 4,
                "discount_type": 0,
                "discount_value": 10
                "qty_from": 6,
                "qty_to": 8,
                "discount_type": 1,
                "discount_value": 10
        "amount_table": [],
        "qb_table_type": 1

Response body

    "success": true,
    "ruleId": 11,
    "message": "Updated the rule successfully"

Create or Update Multiple Rules

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

If there is no ID in request data, a new rule will be created. Otherwise, existing rule with ID will be updated. If ID was incorrect or not found in one/multiple rules within the body, the rules will not be created/updated successfully.

  "domain": "", 
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "rules": [
        "name": "sencond1",
        "priority": 0,
        "status": 1,
        "apply_to": 0,
        "product_condition_type": 0,
        "customer_ids": [],
        "customer_tags": [],
        "product_ids": [],
        "product_collections": [],
        "product_tags": [],
        "exc_customer_tags": "",
        "exclude_from": 0,
        "exc_customers": "",
        "rule_type": 2,
        "rule_setting": 0,
        "qty_table": [
                "qty_from": 1,
                "qty_to": 4,
                "discount_type": 0,
                "discount_value": 10
                "qty_from": 6,
                "qty_to": 8,
                "discount_type": 1,
                "discount_value": 10
        "amount_table": [],
        "qb_table_type": 4
        "id": 9909,
        "name": "sencond2",
        "priority": 0,
        "status": 1,
        "apply_to": 0,
        "product_condition_type": 0,
        "customer_ids": [],
        "customer_tags": [],
        "product_ids": [],
        "product_collections": [],
        "product_tags": [],
        "exc_customer_tags": "",
        "exclude_from": 0,
        "exc_customers": "",
        "rule_type": 2,
        "rule_setting": 0,
        "qty_table": [
                "qty_from": 1,
                "qty_to": 4,
                "discount_type": 0,
                "discount_value": 10
                "qty_from": 6,
                "qty_to": 8,
                "discount_type": 1,
                "discount_value": 11
        "amount_table": [],
        "qb_table_type": 4

Response Body:

    "success": true,
    "message": [
        "Rule second1 has been created successfully",
        "Rule second2 has been updated successfully"

Delete Rule

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "id": 71

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "Deleted rule successfully"

Delete Mulitple Rule

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "ids": [67,68,69]

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "Deleted multiple qb rule successfully"

Get Applied Rules for Products

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

If customer_id is null, the system will check Quantity Break Rules which applied for all customers or not-logged-in customers.

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxxx",
  "product_ids": [ 6103930831040,6103930929344], 
  "customer_id": 5110452355264

Response body:

    "success": true,
    "productsAppliedRule": [
            "id": "6103930831040",
            "rule_name": "first",
            "rule_id": 51,
            "qty_table": [
                    "id": 47,
                    "qty_from": 1,
                    "qty_to": 3,
                    "discount_type": 0,
                    "discount_value": 10,
                    "createdAt": "2021-09-16T08:41:14.000Z",
                    "updatedAt": "2021-09-16T08:41:14.000Z"
                    "id": 48,
                    "qty_from": 6,
                    "qty_to": 7,
                    "discount_type": 1,
                    "discount_value": 10,
                    "createdAt": "2021-09-16T08:41:14.000Z",
                    "updatedAt": "2021-09-16T08:41:14.000Z"
            "id": "6103930929344",
            "rule_name": "first",
            "rule_id": 51,
            "qty_table": [
                    "id": 47,
                    "qty_from": 1,
                    "qty_to": 3,
                    "discount_type": 0,
                    "discount_value": 10,
                    "createdAt": "2021-09-16T08:41:14.000Z",
                    "updatedAt": "2021-09-16T08:41:14.000Z"
                    "id": 48,
                    "qty_from": 6,
                    "qty_to": 7,
                    "discount_type": 1,
                    "discount_value": 10,
                    "createdAt": "2021-09-16T08:41:14.000Z",
                    "updatedAt": "2021-09-16T08:41:14.000Z"

Get Price List of Variants based on Applied Rules

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

If customer_id is null, the system will check Quantity Break Rules which applied for all customers or not-logged-in customers.

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "product_ids": [
   "customer_id": 5110452355264

Response body:

    "success": true,
    "priceList": [
            "id": "6103930831040",
            "rule_name": "first",
            "rule_id": 52,
            "variants": [
                    "id": "37682508955840",
                    "price": "36.00",
                    "compareAtPrice": null,
                    "appliedRulePrice": [
                            "qty_from": 6,
                            "qty_to": 7,
                            "discount_type": 1,
                            "discount_value": 10,
                            "modifiedPrice": 90
                            "qty_from": 1,
                            "qty_to": 3,
                            "discount_type": 0,
                            "discount_value": 10,
                            "modifiedPrice": 10
            "id": "6103930929344",
            "rule_name": "first",
            "rule_id": 52,
            "variants": [
                    "id": "37682509086912",
                    "price": "100.00",
                    "compareAtPrice": "80.00",
                    "appliedRulePrice": [
                            "qty_from": 6,
                            "qty_to": 7,
                            "discount_type": 1,
                            "discount_value": 10,
                            "modifiedPrice": 90
                            "qty_from": 1,
                            "qty_to": 3,
                            "discount_type": 0,
                            "discount_value": 10,
                            "modifiedPrice": 10
                    "id": "37682509119680",
                    "price": "100.00",
                    "compareAtPrice": null,
                    "appliedRulePrice": [
                            "qty_from": 6,
                            "qty_to": 7,
                            "discount_type": 1,
                            "discount_value": 10,
                            "modifiedPrice": 90
                            "qty_from": 1,
                            "qty_to": 3,
                            "discount_type": 0,
                            "discount_value": 10,
                            "modifiedPrice": 10
                    "id": "37682509152448",
                    "price": "100.00",
                    "compareAtPrice": null,
                    "appliedRulePrice": [
                            "qty_from": 6,
                            "qty_to": 7,
                            "discount_type": 1,
                            "discount_value": 10,
                            "modifiedPrice": 90
                            "qty_from": 1,
                            "qty_to": 3,
                            "discount_type": 0,
                            "discount_value": 10,
                            "modifiedPrice": 10
                    "id": "37682509185216",
                    "price": "100.00",
                    "compareAtPrice": null,
                    "appliedRulePrice": [
                            "qty_from": 6,
                            "qty_to": 7,
                            "discount_type": 1,
                            "discount_value": 10,
                            "modifiedPrice": 90
                            "qty_from": 1,
                            "qty_to": 3,
                            "discount_type": 0,
                            "discount_value": 10,
                            "modifiedPrice": 10

Product endpoints

Search products

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

Index is a cursor value, where you want to start searching. If afterIndex is null, the system will search products from the beginning. For example:

afterIndex: "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo2NjU1NDU2Mzc5MDUzLCJsYXN0X3ZhbHVlIjo2NjU1NDU2Mzc5MDUzfQ=="
  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "afterIndex": null,
  "first": 20,
  "searchQuery": "ocean"

Response body:

               "title":"Ocean Blue Shirt",
               "title":"Riri Bracelet",
               "productType":"women's bracelets",

Get Product Tags

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx"

Response body:

         "cotton blouse",
         "crepe wool",
         "crew neck",

Get Products by Tags

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "afterIndex": null,
  "first": 20,
  "tags": ["tag1","tags2","tags3"],
  "operation": "AND" 

"Operation" is "AND" or "OR". If you use "AND", returned products must contain all tags. If you use "OR", returned products just need to belong one tag in array (["tag1","tags2","tags3"]).

Response body:

         "title":"Anchor Bracelet Mens",

Get Products by IDs

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "ids": [ 6586590625965 ]

Response body:

         "title":"Anchor Bracelet Mens",

Customer endpoints

Get Customer Tags

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx"

Response body


Get Customers by IDs

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "ids": [5127974846637]

Response body


Search Customers

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "afterIndex": null,
  "first": 20,
  "searchQuery": "nta"

Response body


Get Customers by Tags

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx",
  "afterIndex": null,
  "first": 20,
  "tags": ["tag1","tags2","tags3"],
  "operation": "AND" 

"Operation" is "AND" or "OR". If you use "AND", returned products must contain all tags. If you use "OR", returned products just need to belong one tag in array (["tag1","tags2","tags3"]).

Response body


Collection endpoints

Get Collections

Request URL: Method: POST Content-type: application/json Request body:

  "domain": "",
  "accessKey": "xxx"

Response body

         "title":"Home page",


  • We handle one request at a time. Once your request is completed, we will proceed with the next one.

  • In case of a server error, it may take up to 3 minutes to recover and process a new request.

Last updated