Set customized pricing per product per customer

For Custom Pricing (CP), you can quickly set customized pricing for a product list. But if you want to set detailed pricing for each product, you can choose either to create a Price List manually or import the list to your store.

Set up the rule for your store

Step 1: Enable the feature and go to Configuration

  • Go to B2B Pricing on the navigation and enable Price list

  • After enabling, go to Configuration

  • Press Add rule to customize your rule

Step 2: General Information

  • Enter the Name of the rule

  • Enter the Priority (0 is the highest priority)

  • Choose to Enable or Disable the rule

If several rules are applied to the same products or customers, and have the same priorities, the latest created rule is applied.

Step 3: Apply to Customers

Choose who can see the altered pricing on your products

  • You can choose Specific customers by entering their emails

  • You can choose Customer tags to choose a group of eligible customers (e.g. "b2b" tag)

Step 4: Exclude customers/ variants (optional)

  • You can choose certain customers to be excluded from your applied customer group from Step 3

  • You can choose certain variants to be excluded from your product list chosen in Step 6

Step 5: Set start/end date (optional)

You can also set a start/end date for the created rule

Step 6: Custom price list

  • Firstly, you can choose which level of product to apply the price list to: product level or variant level

  • Then, you can search products or variants by manually typing the product name into the box named Search products/ variants or using the Browse products/ variants button.

You can also search products by tag or collection created before.

  • After selecting products from the list, the Detailed Price Table is shown on the page for you to edit pricing options with the corresponding amount.

  • To have a wider edit table, click on the "Expand view" icon on the top left side of the card

  • Make sure that you filled out all the product's amounts before saving the rule.

Step 7: Install your configuration to your store

After setting up your configuration, head to Installation:

Choose one of these two options, and hit the Start installation button

If the prices don't change to how you expect, feel free to reach out to us at or Live Chat.

How does it look from the storefront?

If the feature doesn't work with your theme or you want more customization, feel free to reach us at or Live Chat.

Last updated